Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sea Legs!

Marcus and I went on a cruise last week and we had a great time. It was hard to adjust to being by ourselves, but we managed! We left out of New Orleans on Thursday and arrived in Cozumel, Mexico on Saturday morning. We explored a little and then came back in to watch the Alabama/LSU game. Actually I ended up taking a nap and Marcus watched the game. At dinner that night, Marcus began getting a little sea sick and had to go lay down! He survived and was better the next day. We arrived back in New Orleans on Monday morning and we drove like crazy to get back to our kids! They were glad to see us, but not as much as we would have liked! We tried to hug, kiss and squeeze and they weren't really interested! I guess that is a week with grandparents for ya! Monday night we started getting "sea legs" where you are kinda dizzy...And today we are worse than last night! We had fun though, but are glad to be home!

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