Friday, September 19, 2008

News!! Exciting and... Interesting?

Caleb came home with some exciting and interesting news from school yesterday. The interesting thing was that he came running to the car with a ziploc bag in his hand. The ziploc bag had a pickled pigs foot in it! His teacher had brought some to share with the class and each had at least taken a bite. Caleb said he thought it tasted like hot bacon. He was proud of himself, I was proud that he was willing to try something new. However, I don't think I will be purchasing any to keep for afternoon snack! The exciting news is that his teacher sent home a note and said that he had read a First grade reader! I was floored! He has really been doing well, and is starting to take an interest in trying to read on his own, but this was amazing! Marcus and I are very proud of him!

We also found out that we should be able to get DSL out here within a week or so! That is going to be great, I will finally be able to post lots of new pictures!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008


Ok, I finally was able to get pictures on the blog!!!!!!!!!

Mom's day out

On Wednesday mornings Sarah Elizabeth goes to a mom's day out. It is a chance for her to get to play with her friends and for me to go to Wal-mart by myself! I know it sounds selfish, but those of you that have small children know that as much as you love your children you also need a little break every once in a while! This morning I was checking the blogs and Sarah Elizabeth got SO excited when she saw her fellow playmates from mom's day out! She would point to them and babble out her version of their names!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


The red bugs have attacked Caleb, shall we say, "below the belt"! Last night we attempted the usual clorox bath, calamine lotion drill and unfortunately, it wasn't very successful. The itching returned several times during the night and at school today! We decided to try the clear nail polish trick tonight after Caleb's bath, that was when the "fun" began! Of course the polish stings a little, and Caleb was ok with that on any bite AWAY from sensitive areas...Sarah Elizabeth offered Caleb a fish bath toy to bite and held his hand as he was making us understand that this was not his idea of fun! It looks like we have a little nurse on our hands, as well as a few red bugs! If anyone has any other remedies we would be happy to listen!!!!