Friday, December 17, 2010

up to date

Well I am obviously not very good about updating this blog! Ha! Life gets kinda crazy around our house!

Emma James...
Our wonderful surprise, she is 11 months old and crawling around like crazy! She is such an amazing blessing! She has cut 6 teeth and is learning how to stand on her own(not holding on to anything to pull herself up with!) She is such a delight, always happy, sleeps like a dream and has since she was 8 weeks old!

Sarah Elizabeth...
My precious drama queen! She is so much fun! My only blue eyed child is taking dance once a week and really loves it! She is so smart and funny, I always have the pleasure of hearing about her latest antics from her teachers at church! She is teaching me to "chill out" and enjoy life!

My sweet lovable first born and only boy! I LOVE having a little boy! He is an awesome big brother full of life, love and happiness! I am constantly amazed and challenged by my highly spirited sweetie! I cherish those rare moments when he will slip in my arms and give me a big hug! Sadly, those days are fewer and farther between, but I am always pleased when he is willing to show the tender side that still resides in that precious child.

Caleb is still attending West Alabama Christian and is in the 2nd Grade. I am so thankful for the opportunity he has to learn about our world from a Godly prespective. The school has proven to be the perfect place for him, he is being challenged both through education and his spirituality. Dont' think your child is ever too young to be exposed or to experience Christ in their lives! I am amazed at his knowledge and love for our God!

Christmas is in the air!!

I love Christmas and everything that goes along with it! I love the music, smells, stories, traditions...It can be a very difficult time for me as well. I am so blessed in that, although I miss loved ones more this time of year than any other, I have the opportunity to experience pure joy through and with my children and family. I have the hope of eternal life and because of this I know I will see my loved ones again. I get to tell my children stories of Christmases past when those loved ones were here and they get to see me smile at the memories. I pray that they see the peace I have that comes directly from Christ, so that they will also have that peace.

Merry Christmas! Happy Birthday to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!